Sunday, December 11, 2005

because i'm so fucking lazy

i was trying to keep updating the Hooligan site, but it didn't have a fancy interface to make it easy to post my important information.

so i bit the bullet and started using this.

here you go: the launch of War Time Smile, my new journalistic ejaculation on the small-of-the-back tattoo of the world.

Transmissions from War Time America

War Time Smile is a name for an unrealized magazine project that I had a great delusion about launching in the past year. One day I’d think “yeah, I’m getting back in to the magazine business!” And the next day I say to myself, “I would be nuts to start another magazine.” Back and forth, back and forth. It was always like this. One foot in the middle of it all, and one foot out the door.

If you’ve ever read any of my complaints about The Hooligan, the number one white hot needle poking me in the butthole was selling ads. And there was no fucking way I was walking all over town, begging small businesses to spend money on ads. I was always proud of the Hooligan and felt their money was well spent, but fuck that. If you want to read this, I don’t have to track down the guy at the record store for his ad and possible payment. Not going to happen.

So here we are. Free for me, free for you. As I mentioned above, I stopped posting to the Hooligan site because I didn’t have an easy way to post my “fresh takes” on pop culture. It was literally a pain in my balls because I had to jump through too many hoops. And since I didn’t know how to write my own program to make it easier for me, I am utilizing this nice free program….someone else can make money off of this because the lack of headache I’m feeling writing this is worth every penny….or worth every non-penny.

War Time Smile is taken from a misheard lyric from the Jawbreaker song “Save Your Generation” from the album Dear You. I always thought he sang “War Time Smile” and felt it sounded grand and sad at the same time. As America plunged headlong into war, I thought it would make a great name for a magazine. Well, that didn’t happen but here is the digital version. The world has changed, the world is exactly the same.



Anonymous said...

I guess your failure as a businessman won't be repeated now that you can rely on the success of the Google corportation. Lucky for you someone can sell ads.

J Reidy said...

thanks Jim....i guess.

thanks for the eloquent response. i'm sure you were voted Mr. Personality by your shop class.

trust me, no one's getting rich off those google ads. and that's the point dummy: i don't care about that. there is no need to care about that. it's just there and i don't expect anyone to click on anything they don't want to.

and i'm pretty sure i never claimed to be a businessman....thanks for putting words in my mouth. i was just a kid putting out a magazine and there was an unfortunate side effect to it called selling ads.

i'm no more a businessman than you are smart or handsome.

thanks for stopping by.